The guest researcher gave an opening lecture entitled Symbolic and communicative legislation in the field of national minority protection - old an new minorities in Croatia
2024. 05. 12.
Dr Erdal Coskun, Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Istanbul Kultur University, arrived at the Faculty of Water Sciences (FWS) of the Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) on April 22nd as part of the Ludovika Scholars Program.
2024. 04. 23.
Memet Memeti, former Dean of the South East European University in Tetovo, lawyer and public administration expert, visited the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies.
2024. 04. 22.
Associate Professor Angelina Stanojoska, Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs at the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, North Macedonia.
2024. 04. 22.
Dr Matija Milos, Assistant Professor of University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law. His expertis is constitutional theory, comparative constitutional law, legal rhetoric, national minorities and political rights.
2024. 04. 17.
The guest researcher gave an opening lecture entitled Symbolic and communicative legislation in the field of national minority protection - old an new minorities in Croatia
Dr Erdal Coskun, Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Istanbul Kultur University, arrived at the Faculty of Water Sciences (FWS) of the Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) on April 22nd as part of the Ludovika Scholars Program.
Memet Memeti, former Dean of the South East European University in Tetovo, lawyer and public administration expert, visited the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies.
Associate Professor Angelina Stanojoska, Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs at the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, North Macedonia.
Dr Matija Milos, Assistant Professor of University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law. His expertis is constitutional theory, comparative constitutional law, legal rhetoric, national minorities and political rights.
Professor Dr Memet Memeti, Dean and Associate Professor of South East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia, Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences, Public Administration and Political Science Department.
Dr Erdal Coşkun, Assistant Professor of Istanbul Kultur University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering.
New call of the Ludovika Scholars Program for international guest lecturers is published by the Ludovika University of Public Service.
The Ludovika Scholars Program continues in April 2024, when we expect four guest lecturers from three countries (Croatia, North Macedonia and Türkiye) between the 22nd and 26th.
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