Petar Čisar

Prof. Dr. Petar Čisar is a professor of IT at the University of Law Enforcement and Police Studies in Belgrade, specializing in cyber security and digital water management security. He gives lectures on the above topics at two locations, the Baja and Ludovika Campuses.

Summary of  Prof. Dr. Petar Čisar's lecture is available HERE.

What made you apply for the grant?

I had my first visit to the University of Public Service in 2018, as part of a joint integrated defense exercise and I have very good memories from that event. Also, the high opinion of the University itself and the colleagues I know there greatly influenced my decision to apply for the grant. Besides, I have always been very happy to come to Hungary and Budapest.

What do you expect from the program?

I expect from the program above all the establishment of new acquaintances with colleagues who deal with similar topics as me. This will create conditions for cooperation in future joint activities.

What role does this grant play in your professional career?

The exchange of information and opinions is always welcome for the advancement of the profession. Also, participation in the grant is a serious reference in my professional biography.