Visit of guest professor Angelina Stanojoska at the Faculty of Law Enforcement

In the framework of the Ludovika Scholars Program, Associate Professor Angelina Stanojoska, Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs at the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, North Macedonia, visited the Faculty of Law Enforcement of the Ludovika University of Public Service from 22 to 26 April 2024. Her research focuses on women's criminality and victimisation in cyberspace.

One of the main conclusions of her lectures, which attracted considerable attention and was supported by multiple previous researches published in prestigious academic fora, was that there is a significant difference between male and female criminality in homicide cases reported to the authorities. One of the academic studies of the multi-pronged approach is based on interviews with prisoners in a penitentiary institution in North Macedonia, where information from voluntary participants was collated and analysed in the programme. The expert divided the female offenders into five groups and described their motivations and reasons for committing the offences in detail.

Her second presentation explored unlawful violence in a specific domain, i.e. cyberspace. She modelled the specificities of violence in and out of the virtual space and their surprising interdependencies, mainly through particular cases that have become highly publicised due to the proliferation of social media use. In the cases presented, there is also a marked difference between male and female criminality, both on the perpetrator and victim side. Young people and children also form a specific group in the latter respect. The presence of marginalised communities and ethnic minorities further blurs the picture.

During the visit, our guest professor also had the opportunity to respond to Ostrakon College’s invitation and had several forward-looking discussions with Hungarian researchers on possible future research and extending research to other countries using a similar methodology used in North Macedonia.

In addition to the lectures, she visited the Hungarian National Institute of Criminology and consulted with the Head and staff of the Department of Criminology at the Faculty of Law Enforcement.


Text: Zágon Csaba, Máté Sivadó, József Deák

Photo: Dénes Szilágyi

Címkék: RTK