Visiting Jurist from Greece

Kyriaki Topidi, a Greek jurist and head of the research cluster Culture & Diversity at the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Germany, visited the Ludovika University of Public Service in the course of the Ludovika Scholar Program. Her professional programs were organized by the Eötvös József Research Centre's Europe Strategy Research Institute and the LUPS Minority Policy Research Group.

On March 19, 2024, from 2:00 pm, a workshop was held where colleagues from the Europe Strategy Research Institute and members of the Minority Policy Research Group met with Kyriaki Topidi. The topic of discussion was the future of protection for national, ethnic, and linguistic minorities in the European Union after the Minority SafePack Initiative. The event was attended by 12 researchers and lecturers from LUPS, all of whom are experts in minority and human rights. The discussions delved into the challenges, opportunities, and future prospects of EU minority protection in light of recent legal developments and current geopolitical trends. Participants particularly focused on the potential impact of future Western Balkan enlargement on the EU's protection of national and ethnic minorities.

On March 20, 2024, from 12:00 pm, Kyriaki Topidi delivered a guest lecture at the "International Protection of Human Rights" course at the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies of LUPS, led by Noémi Nagy, a lecturer at the faculty. Titled "The Margin of Appreciation and the Balancing of Rights before the European Court of Human Rights," the lecture was attended by students of LUPS, members of the International Law Scientific Student Conference (TDK), and other interested individuals.

Text: Dr Balázs Tárnok

Photo: Dénes Szilágyi